
玛丽梅休 Practitioner Award

玛丽·梅休实践者奖表彰新罕布什尔州在结束性别暴力方面的远见卓识和领导力, including sexual and relationship violence and stalking. 这个奖项 is named in honor of 玛丽梅休, one of the five founders of the Prevention Innovations 研究 Center. 玛丽将她的职业生涯和个人生活投入到与针对妇女的暴力直接相关的问题上. Her remarkable contributions to the field are numerous, 最引人注目的是她作为位于UNH校园的性骚扰和强奸预防项目(SHARPP)的主任以及作为起点:家庭暴力受害者服务的执行主任的杰出领导 & 性暴力. 我们很自豪地用这个奖项来表彰玛丽的奉献精神、同情心和服务遗产.

Nomination Form


琳达Ruel receives the 玛丽梅休 Practitioner Award in 2019

2019 玛丽梅休 Practitioner Award

琳达Ruel, director of the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Victim/Witness Assistance Unit, received the inaugural 玛丽梅休 Practitioner Award in 2019. 这个奖项, named in honor of Prevention Innovations 研究 Center founding member, 玛丽梅休, 表彰在终止基于性别的暴力方面表现出卓越远见和领导力的个人. 琳达孜孜不倦的倡导和对犯罪受害者及其家人坚定不移的奉献使她 成为这个奖项的完美选择. 
琳达的工作体现了“预防创新”致力于表彰从业人员,并承认他们对创造一个无暴力世界的重要贡献. 澳门葡京网赌游戏校长詹姆斯·迪恩和州长克里斯·苏努努出席了活动,琳达因对新罕布什尔人民的直接积极影响而受到赞扬.

莎朗·B. Murphy Scholarship Recipients

莎朗B. 墨菲奖学金支持苏珊·谢克特家庭和性暴力社会正义实验室的倡导者/培训研究员成立于2015年,以纪念苏珊·谢克特博士. 莎朗·B. 墨菲从澳门葡京网赌游戏社会工作系退休后说. We are grateful to Dr. Sharyn Zunz, Dr. Murphy’s friend and former colleague, 为了这个慷慨的礼物来促进本科生和研究生的培训希望在家庭暴力,性暴力和跟踪领域进行研究. Dr. 墨菲奖学金将支持家庭暴力、性暴力和跟踪领域的本科生和研究生,受助人将在谢克特实验室预防创新研究中心研究人员的指导下工作.


2020莎朗B. Murphy Scholarship Recipient

波纳契艾玛 is a senior at the University of New Hampshire majoring in Women’s & Gender Studies with minors is Studio Arts, Education, and Social Justice. 这将是艾玛在预防创新研究中心实习的第三个学期. 艾玛对社会正义和倡导工作有着强烈的热情,并希望有一天能成为一所大学或学院校园的第九条协调员. In her internship as the 2020 莎朗·B. Murphy Scholarship recipient, 艾玛将支持PIRC在新罕布什尔州学院和大学校园实施uSafeUS的工作,并将进一步了解性暴力和关系暴力以及跟踪预防策略. 她很高兴能把自己的经验和激情带到这个领域,并希望在完成本科教育后继续这项工作.    

Melissa Clivio-Wentrup

2019莎朗B. Murphy Scholarship Recipient

Melissa Clivio-Wenthup is a senior at the University of New Hampshire, majoring in Psychology with a minor in Dance. 在摩洛哥留学期间,她有机会在东西方难民基金会担任志愿者,担任英语和治疗舞蹈教练. Along with this experience Melissa has provide support to Sub-Saharan, 叙利亚, 也门LGBTQ个人,并协助无人陪伴的青年难民支持团体. Melissa is the 2019莎朗B. 墨菲奖学金获得者,并将与PIRC合作,在家庭暴力和性暴力领域制定预防方法. 她很高兴能把自己的经验和激情带到这个领域,并希望在完成本科教育后继续这项工作. 

Alyssa Antman

2018莎朗B. Murphy Scholarship Recipient

Alyssa Antman is a senior at the University of New Hampshire, majoring in Social Work. 作为社会工作多样性委员会的学生主席和HRSA劳动力发展补助金的研究助理, Alyssa is dedicating her time to social justice and advocacy work. 去年夏天,她与新罕布什尔州社区贷款基金(NHCLF)/ROC NH合作,帮助打击整个新罕布什尔州的住房不公正现象. Alyssa is the 2018莎朗B. 墨菲奖学金获得者,并将与PIRC合作,在家庭暴力和性暴力领域制定预防方法. 她很高兴能把自己的经验和激情带到这个领域,并希望在完成本科教育并获得硕士学位后继续这项工作. 


2017莎朗B. Murphy Scholarship Recipient

安娜亚历杭德罗 她得了B.A. 她在缅因圣约瑟夫学院获得社会学硕士学位,目前在UNH攻读社会工作硕士学位.  As a veteran of the United States Navy, she was part of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response team, serving as a victim advocate aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71). While she is excited for the opportunity before her, she is even more grateful to be welcomed into a team of extraordinary individuals.  她希望加强自己的研究技能,并在攻读博士学位的过程中获得观点和智慧.


2016莎朗B. Murphy Scholarship Recipient

克里斯蒂娜•勒杜克氏 is the first recipient of the 莎朗·B. Murphy Scholarship.  Cristina is an MSW student at the University of New Hampshire, currently interning at Child 健康 Services in Manchester, NH.  在过去的两年里,她一直是还(一个位于朴茨茅斯的项目,为性暴力和家庭暴力的幸存者提供支持和服务)的志愿者倡导者.  克里斯蒂娜是一个土生土长的新英格兰人,她未来的职业目标是与亲密伴侣暴力和/或性交易的幸存者一起工作.  Cristina will work with Dr. Murphy in the Schechter Lab during the Fall Semester.

PIRC Practitioner Award

Established in 2015, PIRC从业者奖表彰在结束基于性别的暴力方面表现出远见卓识和领导力的个人, including sexual and relationship violence and stalking. It honors individual accomplishments, rather than the work of an organization.

Kate Katerohdenburg

2016 PIRC Practitioner Award Winner

Kate Rohdenberg, program director for 明智的获得了2016年预防创新研究中心颁发的从业者奖. Rohdenburg has been a key player in advocating for sustainable, 创新, and trauma-informed 预防 programming across New Hampshire, said Lyn Schollett, 新罕布什尔州结束家庭暴力和性暴力联盟的执行主任. 佩吉·奥尼尔, executive director of 明智的, said Rohdenburg’s passion for, and activism to end gender-based violence transcends her role at 明智的.


2015 PIRC Practitioner Award Winner

凯西·毕比, executive director of 2015年获得预防创新研究中心颁发的从业者奖.  “我们很高兴能够把这个奖项颁给像凯西这样的人," said PIRC co-directors Sharyn Potter and Jane Stapleton. “她的领导在社区中发挥了作用,幸存者知道他们将得到支持,以及将使他们生活在一个更安全的地方. 她26年来的工作向我们展示了家庭暴力和性暴力预防领导者的最佳能力."