

退休人员的身份有三种. 对于所有三种类型, the former faculty or staff member must have served in a status position for a period equal to 工作10年或以上 在退休或离开USNH现役状态时.

  1. 退休人员(弧) -有额外退休供款计划(ARC)的教职员工, 通过选择或在1994年7月1日或之后开始在USNH工作, 并且至少已经62岁了.
  2. 退休人员(医疗福利) - A faculty or staff member hired prior to 7/1/94 who has reached at least age 62 and has ten or more years of full-time service and at least ten years of participation in a USNH sponsored retirement plan and who chose the retiree medical coverage option instead of the additional retirement contribution (ARC).
  3. 退休人员(港大扩建) - A former faculty or staff member within UNH Extension who meets the requirement under the Civil Service 退休 System.  



所有符合USNH退休人员资格的教职员工(见 忙V.C.9.2 (定义),并在退休和退休前参加USNH医疗计划, may continue coverage per University System guidelines until they are eligible for Medicare coverage at age 65. 

A spouse who is 65 or older and covered under the employee’s medical plan when the employee retires, 可以继续USNH保险,但也必须参加医疗保险B部分.  Medicare will become their primary insurer while the USNH plan will become the secondary insurer.

根据大学系统的指导方针,维持医疗保险, 有效1/1/06, retiring faculty/staff members will pay the same premium contributions as active employees up to a maximum period of three years.


The ARC contribution was implemented to provide funds for retirees to purchase a medical plan to supplement Medicare, 哪一项在退休人员年满65岁的第一个月生效. 根据ARC, USNH没有为教职员工提供医疗保险的选择, 但受COBRA规定约束的除外.



In 1994 benefits-eligible faculty/staff members hired prior to 6/30/1994 had the opportunity to choose an additional 1% retirement contribution (ARC) or the Medicare Complementary Plan. Only those who selected the Medicare Complementary Plan at that time are eligible for the plan at retirement. 为了满足USNH对退休人员的定义, faculty/staff in this plan begin accumulating years of service toward this benefit starting at age 52. 教职员工必须符合退休人员的所有标准 忙V.C.9.2 并在退休前参加USNH医疗计划.

有资格在教职员工退休后继续享受医疗保险, a spouse who is eligible 和/或 dependent must be covered under the employee’s medical plan at retirement.

If a spouse is age 65 or older, s/he will be transitioned to the USNH Medicare Complementary Plan.

If a Spouse 和/或 dependents of the retiree is less than age 65 and eligible for coverage after the faculty/staff members reaches age 65, the faculty/staff member will pay the same premium as active employees for a maximum of three years after the faculty/staff member's retirement date.  三年之后, 教师/工作人员将支付总费用的50%.

如果退休人员去世, the spouse may continue in the Medicare Supplemental Plan for the rest of her/his life or until remarriage.

If the faculty/staff member who chose the Medicare Complementary Plan is over age 52 and has at least 10 years of service and dies either while on active service or while on an approved early retirement plan, 长期残疾, 或者长期工人补偿, 她/他的配偶在65岁时仍有资格享受医疗保险补充计划, 除非因再婚而丧失资格.

参加医疗保险补充计划的退休人员的配偶死亡, 退休人员不允许在计划中增加新的配偶.


The prescription drug benefit program for retirees with the Medicare Complementary Plan is made available through OptumRX. 退休人员将获发处方卡,在参与计划的药房使用. 在购买时退休人员, 或65岁或以上的配偶, 会支付药房20%的自付费用吗. The balance of the cost of the prescription will be billed to the USNH; no further paperwork is required.


  • Dental coverage - may be purchased for up to 18 months following retirement through COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act). 退休人员可按月继续享受这种保险,最长可达18个月, 他/她的配偶及受抚养子女. A complete packet of information regarding the options under COBRA including premium payment deadlines will be sent to the retiring employee's home address. COBRA费率信息如下 可以在这里.
  • Life insurance - ends on the effective date of retirement but may be converted from the employee's current USNH-offered group policies.  保险公司将发送员工注册信息.
  • 残疾保险——在退休后终止.
  • 灵活开支帐户-退休人员的FSA供款在退休当日停止. 只有在就业最后一天发生的索赔才有资格获得报销. 索赔应在终止之日起90天内提交.
  • Personal Time/Earned Time - Staff members and fiscal year faculty who retire will be paid for the balance of accrued Personal Time (30 day maximum) or Earned Time available as of the last day of work. 包括在最后一次定期工资支票里, these supplemental earnings are taxed in combination with regular earnings according to the standard table withholding method.
  • Tuition Waiver 好处 - A retired faculty or staff member is not eligible for the tuition waiver program for themselves or any eligible dependents after the date of retirement. Any tuition waiver in effect at the time of separation will be prorated based on the proportionate amount of time the staff member has worked in the fiscal year.

特别注意:   NH老年人s age 65 or older may enroll in 2 credit courses per academic year offered by the University of New Hampshire tuition-free. 教职员工可以, 然而, 被要求支付一定的费用和/或注册费.

注意: 所有保险之保费及供款均有可能更改.


  • Retired faculty emeritus and Extension Educators are offered a non-expiring UNH ID card and parking permit 


在退休前以书面通知以下部门, 校园人力资源, 以及USNH福利办公室. 教师和PAT工作人员预计将提供至少120天, 和操作人员应提供至少60天的书面通知.

  • 联系 社会保障局:

    获得社会保障福利的预测, 申请社会保障金, 获取医疗保险信息并注册医疗保险A & B,如果你的年龄在65岁以上. 如果你打算工作到65岁以后,你应该在65岁时申请医疗保险A部分. 当你真正退休时,你应该申请医疗保险B部分. You must be enrolled in both Medicare Parts A and B to be eligible for full coverage under the Medicare Complementary Plan. The USNH 好处 Office will need a copy of your Medicare card for coverage in the retiree medical plan.

  • 联系 TIAA 和/或 富达投资集团 directly to obtain retirement calculations and income options at least three months prior to the projected retirement date.





Participants in the Operating Staff 退休 Program should contact the USNH 好处 Office for benefit calculations at 862-0930.

的检查清单 “要做的事情” 为退休做准备

  • Be sure you and your spouse/dependents have medical coverage through USNH in the year you retire. 在每年秋季“开放注册”期间,医疗保险可能会增加.
  • 制定预算. 确定你的固定开支, how much money you will need to maintain your desired lifestyle and what sources of income you have.
  • 确认退休收入的其他来源,如以前的雇主提供的退休计划, 爱尔兰共和军的, 补充退休帐户(SRA).
  • 咨询理财规划师或利用TIAA和/或富达提供的资源. 获得退休支付方案的预测.
  • 规划你的遗产. 考虑立遗嘱,建立信托或赠送礼物. 咨询理财规划师或你的律师,以确定什么是最适合你的情况. 更新受益人名称.
  • 你将住在哪里?? 你可以考虑裁员, 搬到国内的另一个地区, 退休社区, 或者老年人住房.
  • 考虑当前和未来的医疗需求. 生前遗嘱、医疗代理和长期护理保险都是可以选择的. 把你的病历整理好.
  • 告诉你的家人和你爱的人你对最后安排的愿望, 纳税记录, 保险箱, 银行账户, 债务, 应急资金, 还有其他记录.