学生握手 & 校友

UNH 事业和专业成功 uses 握手 to connect students to their counselors and hiring employers, 举办职业活动

握手 helps you connect with professional success!


  • 搜索 and apply for full-time jobs and internships
  • 搜索 and apply for part-time and/or work-study positions on campus or in the local community
  • Schedule an appointment with your college's 事业和专业成功 team to discuss your career documents (resumé, 求职信, 等.), job/internship search process, and much more 
  • 学习 about and attend career success events, 编程, professional development opportunities, 招聘活动

An account will be created for you before the start of the fall semester. Please do not request an account over the summer. 电子邮件 caps@主要研究.edu 有问题吗?.

  • For alumni who graduated after 2013 and still have access to their UNH email (@主要研究.edu, @wildcats.主要研究.edu, @usnh.edu), your 握手 account can be accessed via single sign on here: 主要研究.joinhandshake.com/login 
  • If you no longer have access to your UNH email or graduated before 2013, you will need to request a 握手 account here: 主要研究caps.信息/ requesthandshakeaccount
    • Select 我是UNH校友 and complete the form in its entirety so our team can create a 握手 account on your behalf. Please note, any 握手 account requests via 握手 without a completed form will be denied.  


You can search for both on- and off-campus part-time jobs, work-study positions and internships in 握手. 工作 are posted throughout the year, so continue to check in 握手!

If you have a question for a specific department regarding employment opportunities and there are no positions currently posted online, please reach out directly to the department to inquire about their hiring timeline.

  1. 登录到 握手
  2. 去 工作 在你仪表盘的顶部
  3. 点击 校园 过滤结果
  4. 查看并申请工作!
Screenshot of 握手 search and filter feature. The shot shows the options bar at the top of the screenshot and the "工作" choice selected, then filtered by "校园" and then "All filters" under the options bar. 在选项栏下面, on the left side of the screenshot are all the applicable jobs tagged On-campus, on the right is a job selected from that list on the left.

Screenshot of 握手's filter features

  1. 登录到 握手
  2. 去 工作 在你仪表盘的顶部
  3. 点击 所有过滤器
  4. 选择 工作研究 复选框
  5. Select 显示结果 保存过滤器
  6. 查看并申请工作!

请注意: Work-study eligibility is not saved in your 握手 profile; therefore, you may notice that you will be viewed as "not matching employer preferences." 雇主 have been notified that this is not necessarily the case, and the employer will still receive and review your application. You will be responsible for communicating with the employer if you have work-study eligibility or not. 如有任何问题,请发邮件 caps@主要研究.edu

Screenshot of 握手 search and filter feature. The shot shows the options bar at the top of the screenshot and the "工作" choice selected, with a pop up floating over an inactive background. 在弹出窗口中, 一个标题写着“工作类型”, below the title the following filtering options are available: “Full-Time”, “兼职”, “实习”, “校园”, “工作”, “+”. Below these filter options are boxes to tick with the options: “Paid roles only”, “工作研究”, 校园面试”. “工作学习”选项

Screenshot of 握手's filter features

  1. 登录到 握手
  2. 去 工作 在你仪表盘的顶部
  3. 点击 实习 过滤结果
  4. 查看并申请工作!

  1. 登录到 握手
  2. 去 工作 在你仪表盘的顶部
  3. 点击 全职工作 or 兼职 过滤结果
  4. 查看并申请工作!

Employment Disclaimer for 学生

事业和专业成功 verifies all employers and job postings that are on 握手, 然而, it is the responsibility of the students and alumni to take the necessary precautions when submitting personal information, 面试, and accepting any type of position. Applicants should never provide their birth dates, 社会安全号码, 信用卡号, bank account information or other private information when communicating with prospective employers or responding to opportunities online. 事业和专业成功 is not responsible for any other job board or means of employment that an applicant finds outside of 握手. If you see a position in 握手 (or ANY job site) and/or receive an email from an employer that you believe may be a scam, please notify UNH 事业和专业成功 immediately by calling 603-862-2070 or emailing caps@主要研究.edu, and we will look into the matter on your behalf. If you believe you are the victim of fraud resulting from a job listing, please contact UNH Police at (603) 862-1427.